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Visual Studio Code Black Screen Problem Solved

Visual Studio Code Black Screen Problem Solved

When you open Visual Studio Code you get a black screen and can't see anything.
Here is the Solution.


Step: 1

I just installed VS (Visual Studio) Code and open it but It's not opening properly and screen is getting black.

Step: 2

1st Solution is open Command Prompt (CMD).
 then type 

code --disable-gpu

Visual Studio Code Black Screen Problem Solved
then hit ENTER.

Step: 3

You see VS Code launched successfully.  

But your are a Developer and you don't have enough time to do this again and again. Now coming back to permanent solution. 

Another Solution

Follow these steps:

1. Right click on VS Code Icon on the Desktop
2. Click properties
3. In the Target Section , click the path
4. Add a space then type --disable-gpu

Visual Studio Code Black Screen Problem Solved

click on Apply then Save. 
5. Done. 
Visual Studio Code Launched Successfully.

Lets Watch it on Youtube 


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